• Wednesday, October 16, 2024

As a retired U.S. Army helicopter pilot with a combat tour, I have some concerns about the current reports on these taxis and their vertical flight capabilities. Having experienced the complexity of vertical flight firsthand, I can confidently say that it is much more complicated than what has been reported ("Flying Cars Are Nearly Here—and They're Electric," Aug. 4).

One important factor to consider is that weather conditions affect vertical flight far more than fixed-wing flight. Throughout my career, I've had to abort missions numerous times due to unfavorable weather conditions. It raises some questions about the feasibility and reliability of these taxis in different weather scenarios.

Nevertheless, the concept of flying cars is an exciting one. The advancement of electric technology certainly brings us closer to making this dream a reality. However, we must approach this development with caution and thoroughly address the complexities involved in vertical flight.

Only by considering the realities and challenges of vertical flight can we ensure the safe and efficient operation of these vehicles in the future. It is crucial that we continue to strive for innovation while also prioritizing the safety of passengers and adapting to the unique demands of vertical flight.

Noncallable Bonds

By Clyde Romero
Marietta, Ga.

I, too, have been burned by the surprise early bond redemption. As Allan Sloan stated, there is a big difference in owning individual stocks and individual bonds, so it’s important to do your homework. With interest rates at or near their decade peak, this may be a good time to lock in current rates, but with call protection. Most brokerage firms have a preference option to select "noncallable" individual bonds.


By Joel Goodman
Centennial, Colo.

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